Technical Rebreather Courses from PADI
Rebreathers recirculate the air already used by the diver after replacing oxygen used by the diver and removing the carbon dioxide metabolic product. Rebreather diving is used by recreational, military and scientific divers where it has advantages over open circuit scuba, and surface supply of breathing gas is impracticable. Use of rebreathers for technical diving lets you use a small amount of helium in your mixture to go deeper for even longer periods of time than is practical on open circuit scuba. Learn technical CCR diving with Mark.
All PADI Courses recreational through Technical Courses are offered. Contact me for further details and class dates.
Tec 40 CCR Diver Course
Learn to plan and make dives using air diluent and air or enriched air (EANx) bailout gas on Type T (technical) closed-circuit rebreathers (CCR) to a maximum of 40 metres/130 feet with a single decompression stop of no more than 10 minutes.
Tec 40 CCR Diver is the first level of training that addresses technical diving with Type T CCRs, which include a range of electronic CCRs (eCCRs) and manual CCRS (mCCRs). Tec 40 CCR Diver introduces student divers to diagnosing life-support problems and, when possible, returning to the loop to complete the dive with limited decompression obligations.
This training is significantly more challenging than recreational rebreather diving because divers learn to be both a tec diver as well as learning to tec dive with a CCR.
What is a closed-circuit rebreather?
Closed-circuit rebreathers are a type of scuba that reuses the gas you exhale. This is the primary difference between CCR and open-circuit scuba.
All CCRs used on PADI TecRec CCR courses must be third party tested and manufacturers must ensure they meet a comprehensive list of requirements and register them with PADI.
- PADI Advanced Open Water Diver, PADI Enriched Air Diver, PADI Deep Diver (or have experience of more than 10 dives to 30 metres/100 feet) certification and at least 30 dives logged with specific experience requirements.
- Prior to Training Dive Five, student divers must be certified as PADI Rescue Divers
- Prior to certification, student divers must have 50 dives logged.
- There are provisions for other qualifying certifications.
- 18 years old
TEC 40 CCR Qualifier Program
Due to differences between CCRs, divers qualify on each CCRs, however, once qualified you will not need to repeat the entire course if you want to learn to dive a different Type T CCR. The Tec 40 CCR Qualifier focuses on the knowledge and skills divers need to cross over from one Type T CCR to another.
Background on Closed Circuit Rebreathers
Technical diving has been revolutionized by the development, availability and reliability of Closed Circuit Rebreathers. CCRs provide numerous benefits to the technical diver, including: reduced gas consumption, optimum EANx blends for decompression and a wider range of solutions to equipment problems. Consequently CCRs potentially allow the technical diver a greater access to time underwater - greater time based on gas logistics when compared with an open circuit technical diver and more time available to find solutions to gas management problems. As time is a critical and a finite resource divers wanting to dive at and beyond the recreational envelope can now choose PADI Technical CCR training to achieve their goals.
TEC 60 CCR Diver
Tec 60 CCR Diver is an intermediate technical Closed Circuit Rebreather (CCR) diver program where you'll learn to use life support equipment in completing dives outside the recreational and air diluent envelope.
You will learn to plan and make dives using trimix/heliox (minimum 16% oxygen) as a diluent using a Type T CCR to a maximum depth of 60 metres/200 feet and complete multiple decompression stops while carrying adequate bail out gas for the dive.
Tec 60 CCR Diver is the second level of training that addresses technical diving with Type T CCRs, which include a range of electronic CCRs (eCCRs) and manual CCRs (mCCRs). Tec 60 CCR develops the understanding and skills for diagnosing life-support problems while using trimix/heliox to complete a technical dive with its necessary decompression obligations.
- Tec 40 CCR Diver or other qualifying certification
- Proof of 150 logged dives, with at least 25 dives and 50 hours experience with the Type T CCR used in the course with an offboard bailout system following Tec 40 CCR Diver principles. At least 10 of these dives must be deeper than 30 metres/100 feet.
- 18 years old
TEC 60 CCR Qualifier Program
Due to differences between CCRs, divers qualify on each CCR. However, once qualified, if you wish to cross over to another Type T CCR, you'll only need to complete the Tec CCR Qualifier program, which covers unit-specific skills and knowledge.
TEC 100 CCR Diver
Tec 100 CCR Diver is at the top of the PADI Tec CCR diver training. In this course, you’ll learn to plan and make hypoxic trimix/heliox dives using a Type T (technical) CCR to a maximum of depth of 100 metres/328 feet, carry and manage multiple bailout cylinders and complete multiple decompression stops.
The Tec 100 CCR Diver course addresses technical diving with Type T CCRs, which include a range of electronic CCRs (eCCRs) and manual CCRs (mCCRs). Tec 100 CCR Diver refines your ability to diagnose, understand and effectively respond to life-support problems. In the course, you will use hypoxic trimix/heliox diluent to complete a technical dive, with its necessary decompression obligations, while carrying a range of high/low oxygen and trimix/heliox bailout cylinders.
This training is significantly more challenging than the Tec 60 CCR Diver course in part because it includes the use of diluents and bailout gases you cannot safely breathe at the surface. Successful Tec 100 CCR Diver course completion requires divers to demonstrate the superior level of skill necessary to competently dive a technical CCR at exploration depths.
- Tec 60 CCR Diver course certification (or qualifying certification from another organization).
- Proof of 175 logged dives, with at least 50 dives and 100 hours experience diving the Type T CCR used in the course with off board bailout systems. At least 25 of these dives must be multistop decompression dives deeper than 40 metres/130 feet with trimix/heliox diluent.
- 18 years of age.
TEC 100 CCR Qualifier Program
Divers wishing to apply their certification to another Type T CCR at the Tec 100 CCR Diver level will need to complete the Tec CCR Qualifier program, which covers skills and knowledge specific to the particular unit.
TEC 100 CCR Refresher
This refresher program covers the level of skills required to make Tec 100 CCR dives. Divers may also refresh skills appropriate for the Tec 40 and 60 CCR Diver courses as well, if required.